Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Things Not to Buy

After a recent visit to Fenway Park, a few things were noticed that drove the School of Hard Knox crazy. Certain sports memorabilia that is either overused, or just outright needs to no longer exist. First blog in a while (sorry about that) but here the five worst things a sport fan can own.

5.) Player Shirts- Everyone is guilty of owning one of these, (yours truly included), but that does not give it a pardon from being a horrible concept. What started out as just a cheap alternative to buying a jersey in the MLB, has now been abused by every other sport in the professional level. It really seems ridiculous when the NBA has a T-shirt to replace a jersey that has no sleeves.   

4.) Ball in window decals-What was a clever idea at the beginning has just been abused by every fan. It was a great thing when it convinced Mike that he broke some one's car window while mowing their long, but that was two years ago. Anything that can be seen on every other car on Route 495 is considered overused. 

3.) Pink jerseys-This used to be number one until a valid excuse for this came about. If the proceeds of the pink jersey go to Breast Cancer research like the pink bats MLB players used on Mother's Day then it is acceptable, and a great cause. But if the only reason is because the ladies think it cute, become a real fan and get an actual replica jersey. Or forever be in the same category of intelligence as this

2.) #1 Fan memorabilia-While many people who buy this wish it was true, just about every time, except for one person, it is not. It is very hard to be considered the #1 fan when that was the 144th license plate purchased at that Xtra-Mart. 

1.) Gloves to the Game-Going to a baseball game with a glove in hopes to catch a foul ball is the greatest feeling in the 10 years old. Not as an adult. Rather then not pay attention to the game, and try to push a little kid out of the way to catch a ball, try something better instead. Like acting like an adult. Anyone past ten bringing a glove would be ridiculed for the rest of their days at the School of Hard Knox. 

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